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Equities, Funds, Investment, Portfolio, Risk, Wealth Management, Wealth Management Strategy

The risks and restrictions of investing solely in funds

Fund investors cannot become complacent and should recognise the restrictions and hidden risks associated with collectives, explains Lee Goggin, Co-Founder of It’s only human nature to want to reduce complex things to simplistic formulas and to try to fend off uncertainty with (reductionist) received wisdom. But often doing the “right” thing can lead to […]

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Robo-Adviser, DIY Investors, Digital Trends, Traditional Wealth Management

Can robo-advisors
really do enough
for the health
of your wealth?

The rise of robo-advisors has helped many start investing, but those relying solely on automated systems need to remember the parallels presented by the medical world, explains Lee Goggin, Co-Founder of The internet has democratised access to information and services hugely, empowering people in every area of their lives – including investing, by virtue […]

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travel, free time, HNW, Net Worth

Why you should work out your net worth today

Working out your net worth is a vital first step on the road to achieving your financial goals. You will often hear the term “high net worth individual” used in the world of wealth management to denote those who have wealth above a certain level – one that varies culturally but it is safe to […]

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