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CGT, EIS, Income Tax, ISA, SEIS, Tax Planning, VCT

Your tax planning
“Musts” to tackle
before year-end

If you haven’t started thinking about it yet, now is definitely the time to get your year-end tax planning affairs in order. Here, Aloysia Daros, senior tax manager, and Thomas Skinner, senior consultant, at Smith & Williamson consider a few key areas to focus on ahead of the end of the tax year on 5 […]

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What you need to know now to reduce your income tax bill

New figures have highlighted how much heavier the burden is for affluent individuals, but there are many ways to legitimately reduce your income tax bill, explains Lee Goggin, co-founder of New research has shown that in the past tax year, the wealthy bore a greater share of the tax burden than ever before. Of course, what […]

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BPR, EIS, Inheritance Tax, Tax Efficiency, VCT

Tax-efficient investing:
Why invest in EIS, VCTs and BPR?

Opportunities abound in tax-efficient investing, with products to suit all kinds of individuals, argues Jack Rose, Business Development Director for Tax Products, LGBR Capital. Enterprise Investment Schemes (EIS), Venture Capital Trusts (VCTs) and Business Property Relief (BPR) products are by no means new in the market place and have become very popular strategies among affluent […]

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